"vers l'incalculable d'une autre pensée de la vie"

Month: November 2015 Page 2 of 3

Biographie & politique

Joanny Moulin
Recension de
Biographie et Politique
Vie publique, vie privée, de l’Ancien Régime à la Restauration

Olivier Ferret et Anne-Marie Mercier-Faivre, eds.
Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 2014
263 p. ISBN 978-2-7297-0878-8
in Les Grandes figures historiques dans les lettres et les arts



Remarques sur la vie de William Wordsworth

Joanny Moulin
“Remarques sur la vie de William Wordsworth”
in Wordsworth, Lectures critiques
Ed. Denis Bonnecase
Paris : Houdiard, 2015 : pp. 7-23



Towards Biography Theory

Towards Biography Theory
Cercles, revue pluridisciplinaire du monde anglophone n°35

These articles are intended as samples demonstrating the vivacity of research in the field of biography today. Their authors have all published books of international repute relative to the theory of biography. They are either historians or literary scholars, as are many of the academic writers who have defined biography as their object of research in recent years. The biographical turn, as we find convenient to call the renewed interest in biography and biographic approaches that has been taking place over the last decades, converging from several disciplines of the humanities, appears like a paradigmatic debate of sorts, that both calls for a new definition of biography in the larger sense of the term, and generates a theoretical demand.


Joanny Moulin
«  Introduction : Towards Biography Theory  »

François Dosse
«  La Biographie à l’épreuve de l’identité narrative  »

Robert Dion & Frédéric Regard
«  The Death — and Lives — of the Author: The “Surreal” Life of Writers’ Biographies »

Sabina Loriga
«  Temps-mesure et temps vécu  »

Ira Bruce Nadel
« Fingerprint or Photograph? The Fiction of Biographical Facts »

Martine Boyer-Weinmann
«  La collection “L’Un et l’Autre” : Jean-Bertrand Pontalis et l’ajustement biographique »

Melanie Nolan
«  Country and Lives : Australian Biography and its History »

Hans Renders
«  Pourquoi la biographie n’est pas le roman  »

Lives of the Poets

Lives of the Poets: Poetry & Biography
Études anglaises 66.4 (2013)

Starting from the remark that poetry and biography have simultaneously undergone a comparative decline during the last century, this article proposes to investigate some of the common causes of this double phenomenon in the history of literature. Apart from the often evoked ideological reasons sustaining a doctrine of literary theory that radically turned its back on the biographic approaches of the nineteenth century, this paper dwells at greater length on the fact that poets themselves have concurred to promote a dogma of impersonality, which has developed essentially in American and French academic criticism, and may well have severely uprooted poetry itself. The following diachronic study is an apology for reconsidering biographic approaches to poetry and literature as a means towards renewed exchanges between literary science and other scientific disciplines.

Joanny Moulin
“Lives of the Poets”: Poetry and Biography

Jeremy Elprin
“[T]he Life which was, as it were, already written”: Biographizing Epistolary Keats

Laurent Folliot
“Points have we all of us where all stand single”: Wordsworth’s Impersonal Autobiography

Stéphanie Noirard
Iain Crichton Smith’s A Life: The Poeisis of a Self in “Differance

Neil J. Roberts
What Is Literary Biography For? Reflections of a Biographer and Critic

Carle Bonafous-Murat
Autobiography or Case Study? Rethinking Ciaran Carson’s Poetry in the Light of Hypermnesia

Cyril Vettorato
Transubstantiating the Intimate: The Role of Autobiographical Elements in the Poetry of Kamau Brathwaite

Marc Porée
Poets’ Lives in Motion (Pictures)

Joanny Moulin

Biography Theory Workshop

lerma-405x270Maison de la Recherche
29 avenue Schuman
Aix-Marseille Université
6 November 2015
Multimédia T1 – 3.09
9h30-12h – 14h-16h30
LERMA (EA 853)

Cet atelier se propose de réunir un panel international des principaux chercheurs qui ont récemment contribué d’une manière ou d’une autre à la théorisation des études biographiques. L’objectif de l’atelier consistera à apporter des réponses à des questions de trois ordres. (1) Définition du champ de recherche que constituent les études biographiques, ou le « life-writing » au sens large. Dans quelle mesure serait-on fondé à parler d’une discipline carrefour émergente dans les lettres et sciences humaines ? (2) Définition de l’état de l’art de la recherche en études biographiques. Quelles sont les questions qui s’imposent aujourd’hui à la recherche dans ce domaine ? (3) Comment expliquer et surmonter ce que certains chercheurs appellent la « résistance à la théorie » de la biographie, et quelles méthodes convient-il de mettre en œuvre pour développer une théorisation / modélisation de ce champ de recherche ?

This workshop brings together a panel of some of the major international researchers and writers who have recently contributed to the theorization of biographical studies. The objective is to bring answers to questions mainly on three heads: (1) Definition of the research field of biographical studies in the wider sense. To what extent can biographical studies (life writing?) be viewed as an emerging “crossroads discipline” in the humanities? (2) State of the art of research in biographical studies. What are the issues at stake today? (3) How to explain and surmount the alleged “Theorieresistenz” of biography, and what methods should be best applied to develop a theorization / modelization of the field?

Day 1 (6 Nov) will be public, and devoted to the state of the art. On Day 2 (7 Nov) the workshop will operate as a select committee.

6 November
Programme :

9:30 – 10:15 Joanny Moulin (LERMA, Aix-Marseille Université)
10:15 – 11:00 Hans Renders (Biography Institute / University of Groningen)
11:15 – 12:00 Nigel Hamilton (McCormack Graduate School / UMass Boston)

14:00 – 14:45 Sigurdur Magnusson (Reykjavík Academy / National Museum of Iceland)
14:45 – 15:30 Binne de Haan (Biography Institute / University of Groningen)
15:45 – 16:30 Martine Boyer Weinmann (Université Lumière-Lyon 2)

Organisateur: Pr Joanny Moulin  joanny.moulin@univ-amu.fr

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