Towards Biography Theory
Cercles, revue pluridisciplinaire du monde anglophone n°35
These articles are intended as samples demonstrating the vivacity of research in the field of biography today. Their authors have all published books of international repute relative to the theory of biography. They are either historians or literary scholars, as are many of the academic writers who have defined biography as their object of research in recent years. The biographical turn, as we find convenient to call the renewed interest in biography and biographic approaches that has been taking place over the last decades, converging from several disciplines of the humanities, appears like a paradigmatic debate of sorts, that both calls for a new definition of biography in the larger sense of the term, and generates a theoretical demand.
Joanny Moulin
« Introduction : Towards Biography Theory »
François Dosse
« La Biographie à l’épreuve de l’identité narrative »
Robert Dion & Frédéric Regard
« The Death — and Lives — of the Author: The “Surreal” Life of Writers’ Biographies »
Sabina Loriga
« Temps-mesure et temps vécu »
Ira Bruce Nadel
« Fingerprint or Photograph? The Fiction of Biographical Facts »
Martine Boyer-Weinmann
« La collection “L’Un et l’Autre” : Jean-Bertrand Pontalis et l’ajustement biographique »
Melanie Nolan
« Country and Lives : Australian Biography and its History »
Hans Renders
« Pourquoi la biographie n’est pas le roman »